Jake Gallow

Software Engineer II

Experienced backend engineer working with distributed systems and Rust.


Missouri University of Science and Technology

BS Computer Science
Minor Creative Writing

Graduation: December 2016

Technical Skills and Proficiencies

Programming Languages





August 2022 - Present
Software Engineer II
  • Working on Azure Core Compute preparing physical machines for virtual machine provisioning
Cerner Corporation
March 2017 - July 2022
Software Engineer III
March 2022 - July 2022
  • Managed organization security reviews to ensure secure and efficient depoyments
  • Led team planning and feature design to scope and drive development
  • Managed team support queue to ensure a quality client experience with data processing pipelines
Software Engineer II
August 2019 - March 2022
  • Developed Hadoop pipelines to process clinical and personal data into different types of HBase tables across multiple physical and cloud hosted clusters
  • Automated failure reprocessing to improve reslience of stream processing during data delivery
  • Maintained processing jobs and web services for four teams applications in varying states of cluster health in an environment restricted by a security clearance
  • Developed automation for monitoring security compliance of team's software artifacts
Software Engineer
March 2017 - August 2019
  • Developed new data transformations performed by Hadoop pipelines to standardize clinical data
  • Developed Java microservices with Jetty and Docker to provide consumers access to datasets
  • Mentored new software engineers in a formal onboarding process to assess and train them in agile and software engineering practices
Street Styles Academy
August 2020 - July 2022
Breaking Coach
  • Taught students aged 8-13 fundamentals of Breaking (colloquially called Break Dancing).
  • Developed a curriculum for starting kids with no prior experience to learn the foundation of the dance style.
  • Provided private lessons to students looking to further improve their skills outside of class.
DST Systems
June 2016 - July 2016
Technical Intern
  • Wrote a wrapper around Cucumber for business analysts to test API resposnes using Excel spreadsheets as a replacement to Selenium driven workflows
Graybar Electric
May 2015 - August 2015
Technical Intern
  • Developed a replacement to the company on call application using Java Spring and AngularJs deployed within their SAP Portal instance

Personal Projects

  • A daemon service companion to the RSS reader Newsboat for caching feed items locally and opening the cached files using Linux system openers
  • This is my personal blog built with Jekyll, hosted via github, and served at blog.gallowzhumour.dev
  • Covers a wide variety of topics from cyber capture the flag writeups, to code analysis and demos, to breakdancing concepts
  • These are my dotfiles used to control my configurations for my Arch Linux setup on my machine.
  • Contains my configs for an Arch Linux host using bspwm as the window manager, and all my system specific run scripts and quality of life scripts
ranger utils
  • Scripts for Ranger to manage various activities on file systems
  • Ranger-GPG: A script for encrypting files and directories using gpg.
  • Ranger Video-Editor: A script for edititing video files using simple cut and join utilities.